Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma and Progenitor Stem Cell Biologics.

Kore Fiber
Aseptically processed pure cortical bone graft processed by MTF.

iO-Core™ procedure, a comprehensive approach to joint pain.

Intellifat BOD
IntelliFat is Cellmyx’s signature aesthetic and regenerative injectable.

Ranfac Marrow Cellutions
Marrow Cellution is a device that uses technology that limits peripheral blood dilution.

SuperShot PRP
SuperShot® PRP adds just one spin to the PRP preparation process.
Prime HD
Demineralized bone particles that are prehydrated in a preserved solution
OrthoBiologic Tools for your regenerative needs
OrthoBiologic Tools for your regenerative needs

Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma and Progenitor Stem Cell Biologics.

Kore Fiber
Aseptically processed pure cortical bone graft processed by MTF.

iO-Core™ procedure, a comprehensive approach to joint pain.

Intellifat BOD
IntelliFat is Cellmyx’s signature aesthetic and regenerative injectable.

Ranfac Marrow Cellutions
Marrow Cellution is a device that uses technology that limits peripheral blood dilution.

SuperShot PRP
SuperShot® PRP adds just one spin to the PRP preparation process.
Prime HD
Demineralized bone particles that are prehydrated in a preserved solution
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All our manufacturer partner’s products are FDA approved and provide research/evidence proving efficacy of products and treatments. Products are sourced in the USA.